The Tale So Far

Where do we begin?

Welcome, adventurers to the AXE+ARCANA, located in Fellstone Tower, Ambrosia, somewhere in the Spime.

Founded by the wizard Barris Grelmdarr in order to help protect the realm of Ambrosia, the guild headquarters, in addition to housing a curated collection of curios, tomes, and gates, also serves as a tavern and inn.

For a time, all in Ambrosia was well. Keeping valiant against every foe or villain they faced, the wizard and his organization was always capable of answering the call. That is until the creature known as William Wisp descended into the lands.

An aura of deep unease followed in his wake, corrupting ahead with his great yellow eye.

Never before had they faced such a foe.

Wisp was as clever as he was powerful.

It took 3 attempts before the mighty heroes could banish their enemy. Great loss and destruction were suffered, but at last it was done.

The events of PARTYFALL left but the wizard Barris as lone guardian of Ambrosia, and an unsteady calm befell the land.

For a time, although forever altered, the world slowly returned to.... well... almost... what it once was. When need arose, the mage would again assemble defenders to heed the call, but never again could he, nor the lands, rest assuredly.Indeed, just one day after the world had forgotten what had passed... The great unease began to set in once more.

Sensing destiny's tremble, Barris once more began his work that always needed doing in times like these by seeking out new heroes. Those of the right song, and those with fates tied to the events that lay ahead...

This time, it was not just Ambrosia that needed saving, but the very wizard himself. A growing dragon cult kept Grelmdarr distracted and vulnerable to the danger from above.

Sending his new adventurers to gather information on Drake Dragonstorm's hooded cult of Whispers, Barris was caught offguard by the massive airship unfurling from the clouds.

By the time Host Frang's jaunter cast a shadow over Fellstone Tower, it was too late.

Unable to help, the city witnessed Frang abduct the wizard and abscond to the Spime.

In an attempt to follow, a band of his new adventurers made chase in Barris's jaunter "A.R.C."

The thunderous crack generated from the pockets of reality forming and filling the wake of jaunting ships echoed over a still city.


Infinite, mere moments of silence.

The grinding silence of unease unfurled unto the lands like a cold front. A sullen blanket draping over the collective minds of every creature in the city, large and small.

And then it was as if the blaring of horns filled the sky.

William Wisp has returned.

The false-crowned king usurped the crown, ascended to the throne, and now stays locked away in Darling Castle. His former right-hand cultist Drake Dragonstorm is now city guard captain, commanding his paid enforcement squad known as T.H.W.A.R.T. to push around the citizens of Ambrosia.

Wisp's first decree ensures that magic of any kind is outlawed in the realm. A four family crime syndicate known as the Quorum has filled the corrupt power vacuum, while an undead/construct hive-mind hybrid referring to itself as "n3" grows outside of the now crime-ridden city's new wark walls. The city's only semblance of law takes form of the Sisterhood of the Twin Arrow, a duo of vigilantes that stand as the only hope in a dark time.

This is where we join our story...